The Future of Recruitment: How AI and Automation Are Shaping Talent Acquisition

AI and automation are driving some of the most significant changes in how companies find and hire talent. Whether it’s automating the time-sucking yet mundane tasks of scheduling interviews or using generative AI to create more inclusive job postings, these technologies are here to make things easier and faster. But one thing’s for sure… AI is not here to replace recruiters. Instead, it’s should help them work smarter and more efficiently.

New AI Laws: Keeping Things Transparent

The need for transparency has grown as AI becomes a more significant part of the hiring process. States in the US, like California and Illinois, have introduced new laws requiring companies to inform candidates when AI tools are being used to help make hiring decisions. These laws protect candidates’ rights and ensure fairness in the recruitment process. 

This is good because it fosters trust between companies and job seekers.

For instance, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) has guidelines regarding the use of personal data, including transparency around AI's involvement in hiring. Meanwhile, Illinois passed the Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act, which mandates that employers obtain candidates’ consent before using AI to assess video interviews and explain how the technology works. This helps prevent AI-driven biases from influencing hiring outcomes.

These measures reflect a broader trend towards responsible technology use in recruitment. Companies that prioritize transparency and fairness in their AI usage comply with legal requirements and build trust with candidates, who increasingly expect openness about the technology being used to shape their job prospects.

As AI continues to evolve, more regions are likely to implement similar regulations, making it critical for companies to stay informed and ahead of the curve.

Making Automation Easy for Everyone

Let’s be real: AI and automation can seem intimidating as if they’re only meant for tech giants with big budgets and expert teams. But at Keeyora, we’re changing that narrative. We believe automation should be simple and within reach for everyone, regardless of the size of your business or your tech know-how. Teams, big and small, all deserve to experience the power of automation without the headache or the hefty price tag. We’ve designed our tools so you can focus on what matters.

Keeping Candidate Data Secure

When dealing with candidate communication, technology isn’t just a convenience, it’s a responsibility. Handling personally identifiable information (PII) comes with strict compliance rules that we take seriously at Keeyora. Whether it’s following regulations like GDPR in Europe or CCPA in California, we’ve built our product with security at the forefront to ensure that your candidates’ data is protected every step of the way. From secure encryption to rigorous access controls, we’ve got you covered so you can focus on finding the right talent without worrying about data breaches or non-compliance. 

Keeping your candidates’ trust is just as important as connecting with them.

For more information on other compliance rules, check out our blog Recruiters Beware: What You Need to Know About Text Recruiting.

In addition, SOC 2 compliance is particularly relevant for technology and cloud computing companies that store customer data. The main goal is to assure customers that their data is being handled in a way that minimizes risks, such as unauthorized access, data breaches, or service disruptions. For more information, check out our Security and Compliance page.

Embracing AI with Keeyora

At Keeyora, we’re all about making recruitment easier without losing that personal touch. Our software helps you connect with candidates through powerful, simple texting that integrates smoothly with your ATS. We’ve worked hard to make automation something anyone can use—no tech degree required.

We are currently exploring AI and we are fully aware that it can help you work more efficiently. However, we will not force AI where it’s unnecessary and may over complicate our product. Buzzwords and hype might get funding from VCs, but being a founder-funded (and recruiter-funded) company, we will always build what is needed to make hiring easier. 

Stay tuned for updates on Keeyora.

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