Press Release: Keeyora launches affordable text recruiting platform to the SMB market

June 3, 2019 - VANCOUVER, BC

Keeyora, a text recruiting software company co-founded by two recruitment veterans, has announced the BETA release of their text recruiting Chrome extension that enables recruiters to easily send 1:1 text messages and group text campaigns to their candidates in an efficient, scalable, safe and compliant way.

With 4X the read-rate and 10x the response rate of email communication, plus the incredible speed that SMS messages can be sent, texting has quickly become the most effective way for recruiters to communicate with candidates today. However, most recruiters are still forced to use their personal cell phones which aren’t designed for recruitment-scale texting or commercial compliance.

“Recruiters shouldn’t be using their personal cell phones to text with candidates,” says Brian Thompson, co-founder of Keeyora.“Mixing personal and professional contacts in your phone, along with the risk of auto-correct errors, can lead to some potentially embarrassing and unprofessional situations.”

Thompson, along with his business partner Brad Clark, founded Keeyora after discovering that there were no viable text recruiting solutions available to them in the SMB segment of the recruitment market. “We were both looking for a better texting alternative than our personal cell phones, but we couldn’t find one that was affordable to small businesses or contractors like ourselves,” adds Brian. “The platforms we found were priced for enterprise companies, required 12-month commitments, a heavy sales and onboarding process, and were full of features that we simply didn’t need--certainly didn’t want to pay for these levels of commitment.”

Thompson and Clark knew that they weren’t the only recruiters who felt under-served by the technology available to them, so they started to design their own.“We wanted a light-weight and affordable text recruiting platform that was easy to use and did one thing really well - texting” says Clark. “Every aspect of Keeyora has been thoughtfully designed from a recruiter’s perspective and we’re proud to say that our platform is genuinely designed for recruiters by recruiters”.

As well-networked tech recruiters, the team brought on Dennis Loktionov as their CTO. “We’ve both known Dennis for years as a highly sought-after candidate,” says Clark. “He’s regarded as being one of Vancouver’s best technical leaders, so we’re grateful to have him on board.”

Dennis leveraged his deep experience in the SaaS product development space and designed the platform to be modular, extensible, scalable and secure using the latest cloud-based technologies and an API-first mindset. The end result is a revolutionary Chrome extension that recruiters can download and start texting with their candidates in minutes. Recruiters can easily send 1:1 texts or send personalised group text campaigns directly from their computer. With Keeyora, there’s no need for a recruiter to stop and pick up their cell to send or read a text. They can do it right from their computer, leaving their workflow uninterrupted.

Other key differentiating features of the platform include giving recruiters the freedom to text from any website or CRM (not just via an ATS), opt-out and opt-in features to help with TCPA compliance, and each account includes a new phone number (that users choose) from any area code in North America - which means recruiters can keep their personal phone number private.

An optional call-forwarding feature allows calls to be forwarded to any phone number, which extends the capabilities of the platform beyond just texting. Users also have the option to text-enable an existing landline, if they choose.

While the platform is already packed with powerful features, the team says it’s only the beginning for Keeyora. “We have a lot of exciting new features around the corner including ATS integrations, a mobile app, intelligent responses and nurturing, messaging scheduling, and a team edition that will all help to further supercharge a recruiter's communication with their candidates. Beyond SMS, we’re also exploring other forms of instant messaging.”

The BETA version of the Keeyora Chrome extension is currently available in the Chrome store.

Ready to supercharge your text recruiting?

Sign up and start texting in minutes.


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