Bye Rectxt, Hi Keeyora: A New Chapter in Simplifying Talent Communication

The talent market moves quickly, and so we recognize that staying ahead of the curve requires innovation and a willingness to embrace change. 

We are thrilled to unveil a significant evolution for our company: Rectxt is now Keeyora. 

This rebrand isn't just a name change—it reflects our commitment to continuous improvement,  enhancement of how we serve our customers, and future expansion plans for our product roadmap.

The Journey to Keeyora

The decision to rebrand wasn't made lightly. Rectxt was born from a simple yet powerful idea: to make candidate communication easy and affordable.t. We noticed that users were using Rectxt beyond just texting candidates, and our mission has naturally grown beyond what the name 'Rectxt' could encapsulate. We also discovered that ‘Rectxt’ was never easy to say and often misspelled. We wanted a unique name that flowed nicely and didn’t pigeonhole us to just ‘texting’ and ‘recruiting.’ 

So, say hi to Keeyora. 

For more on our journey, check out our video:

At the heart of this rebrand lies our unwavering dedication to our customers. We understand talent communications are essential for successful hiring, but they are not easy, simple, and often impersonal. Keeyora is here to change that. Our new identity is not just a fresh coat of paint; it's a promise to create simple yet powerful talent communication solutions to build and foster better organizations.

1. Streamlined Communication

Keeyora continues to prioritize ease of talent communication but with added features that make it even more intuitive. We've redesigned our platform to offer a more user-friendly interface, making managing a higher volume of communication easier and freeing up time for users to build meaningful relationships with their candidates, new hires, and employees.

2. Enhanced Personalization

Hiring processes are not a one-size-fits-all process. With Keeyora, we're introducing advanced personalization features that allow you to tailor your messages and interactions based on candidate profiles and preferences. This level of customization helps foster a deeper connection and ensures that candidates feel valued and understood.

3. Innovative Tools for a New Era

Our transition to Keeyora marks the introduction of cutting-edge product features designed to meet the evolving needs in today's talent market. In the near future, Keeyora will continue to evolve with more automation and a sprinkling of AI to enhance talent communication capacity and capabilities for our customers. 

Looking Ahead

Rebranding is more than a strategic business move; it's an emotional journey. For our team, Rectxt was more than a product; it was a symbol of solving a problem and a solution that bridged gaps in recruitment communication. As we transition to Keeyora, we carry forward the values and dedication that define Rectxt. We're not just changing our name; we're expanding our vision, embracing new possibilities, and reaffirming our commitment to our customers' success.

Keeyora evokes a feeling of openness, possibility, and the power of communication and its ability to build and foster better organizations.

It also reflects our culture. We’re kind of fun, and so is our name. As we move towards this new chapter, we want to express our deepest gratitude to our customers, partners, and team members who have been with us every step of the way. Your trust and support have been the driving force behind this transformation. We are excited to continue serving you as Keeyora with renewed energy and a broader vision for the future.

Welcome to Keeyora.

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